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I like to grow climbing aroids, such as Monsteras, Philodendron, Syngoniums, Anthuriums, Pothos etc. In nature, most of them are considered semi-epiphytes, which means they start their growth journey on the forest floor before climbing up a tree. As the plant climbs up, it attaches itself to the trees bark using its aerial roots/anchoring roots. As it climbs higher & higher, it gets exposed to more sun. The increase in light + the vertical growing enables the plant to mature & grow large leaves.

The Moss Pole enables the plant to grow close to its natural growth pattern, but it is so much more than just a support stake - it is also a vertical extension of the pot. Moss is a growing medium so instead of just providing a surface to anchor to, the Moss encourages growth of water roots. As the plant climbs up the moss pole, every node starts growing its own root system making it very easy to propagate the plant later.

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